Have you heard of “redemptive entrepreneurship”? It’s been around for millennia, but maybe you’re like me and 2020 is the first time you’ve heard the phrase.
Praxis Labs offers the following description of redemptive entrepreneurship:
We believe the great Christian narrative of Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration frames the task of the Christian entrepreneur. As founders, we create ventures in response to the creative impulse God gives us, and like Him we hope to ‘call them good.’ As fallen creatures, we take seriously and humbly our own sin and the brokenness of the world around us.
Source: Praxis Labs Mission and Model
What are redemptive entrepreneurs? In the words of Jordan Raynor, redemptive entrepreneurs are “believers who are serious about Jesus and building incredible businesses for his glory.”
Are you a redemptive entrepreneur?
Here’s a simple two question test:
- Are you serious about trusting and following Jesus?
- Are you passionate about building incredible businesses and organizations for his glory and the common good?
If the answer to both questions is yes, then you are already on the journey of redemptive entrepreneurship.
So… Who are your travelling companions? Where specifically are you going? And what resources are going to need along the way?